Our History
A brief history of Nightstop UK
Archbishop of Caterbury’s ‘Faith in the City’ report was published. Leeds churches responded with an idea for emergency hosting in volunteer homes. They called this Nightstop.
The first Nightstop opened in 1987 in Leeds and there’s now a network of more than 30 Nightstops around the UK. The Nightstop network is led by Depaul UK, which is responsible for the strategy, quality and development of Nightstop services. To make sure the Nightstop network delivers a safe, high quality service to young people and volunteers, Depaul UK quality assesses each service every two years and provides ongoing support and development.
Each Nightstop service is responsible their own funding for the continuation of their services.
Redditch Nightstop was establised.
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Redditch Nightstop has developed to provide Emergency Accommodation and a range of services to prevent homelessness:
• Drop In
• Supported Lodgings
• Floating Support
• Mediation
• Learning